Who we are?

 „ (…) Each world has its own mystery and access to it is only by way of language learning. Without this, world will remain impenetrable and incomprehensible to us, even if we have spent years inside it. ” Ryszard Kapuściński

Everything begins with dialogue. Establishing a dialogue with another person is one of the main goals in learning the language. That’s why it is so important to focus on this aspect of language – on communication, that’s the guiding thought of our school. Beginning from first clases, we create short dialogues, and each next lesson is their improvment. We teach actively, we aim to use polish language in practice, in real situations, to shift the “school langugae” from classrooms to work, home and places where we are spending our leisure time. We help to overcome linguistic blockade and reach fluency in speaking. Our school offers a lot of interesting simulations, games, thematic workshops or language tandems, everything to make learning inspirational and discovering. You will meet here creative, experienced teachers who will be happy to share with you passion for language learning, they infect with their enthusiasm and create cozy and cameral atmosphere of mutual trust and cooperation.

Teacher, founder of the school

Małgorzata Waliszko – Polish as a foreign language teacher. She received a master degree in Polish philology. She studied at Pedagogical University in Cracow and Stendhal University in Grenoble. Co-author of “About Poland in Polish”, she taught courses at the University of Economics, the Pedagogical University, and various schools and companies in Krakow.

My work is first and foremost my passion. A passion that has kept me engaged and enthused. At my lessons all of the simulations or games have its prioritized spot. Interesting classes in a casual atmosphere means faster way to remember things and above all, the joy of learning.

In my spare time I love travelling, reading and keeping fit. Climbing and cycling give me a lot of satisfaction and positive energy, which I’m happy to share with my students.



Monika Ryszawy – receiver of Master degree in Polish Philology at Pedagogical University of Cracow, graduate in cultural studies at the Ignatianum Academy, as well as the postgraduate of Teaching Polish as a foreign language. Since 2017 she helds the individual and group courses at every level. The organiser of conversations, host of language tandems and workshops, using her personally prepared materials. She prepares before the certification exams as well. Supporter of experimental teaching, she makes her own educational aids, by sharing her energy encourages to speak Polish, remembering the whole time to be attentive of students needs and struggles. She is a lover of good movies and skiing flings. Addicted to biography books and short, but intense traveling.

In my work I try to combine various fields I specialise in: knowledge of language, literature and culture. I believe the good energy and teacher commitment can do wonders. I passionately research and create materials to ensure the learning by action brings my students joy and good results.




Marek Stróżyk – received master degree in Polish Philology at the Jagiellonian University. He is a graduate of postgraduate studies in “teaching Polish as a foreign and second language” at the Pedagogical University. He worked in the educational projects “Polish Internet Schools Libratus” and “Polonijka – Polonijna Primary School”, where he taught via Internet Polish children, whose live abroad. On a daily basics, he also teaches Polish as a foreign language at Private Primary School number 1 “DONA”.

From an early age I wanted to be a teacher and in High School I decided that I would definitely study Polish Philology. I am happy to work with children and adults. I like to plan the teaching process and set goals. I am still looking for a lot of inspiration and what I like the most is that I can create teaching materials from ordinary everyday things. What do I like the most about teaching Polish as a foreign language? That I explain reality to students in Polish and the fact they speak Polish better and better. It gives me a lot of satisfaction:).


Agata Kaczyńskareceiver of Master degree in Polish Philology, postgraduate of Teaching Polish as a foreign language at the Pedagogical University. Lector, editor and proofreader. Polish philologist by profession, Polish teacher out of passion. Since 2014 teaches the foreigners, leads the intensive and group courses at language schools and companies. She organises workshops and language tandems, using her creativity and active methods of language learning. She deeply believes the language is not only a sign system or comunication tool, but the key to the other person’s soul and view of the world. Book-lover, reportage and studio cinemas devotee, fascinated in nonviolent (NVC) and emphatic comunication.

I am firmly convinced among the factors deciding of a succesful language learning process the most important are two: curiosity and sense of comfort. The first one motivates you to study, while the other helps to break the language barrier. My target and teaching challenge at once is leading the lessons combining these two factors. It is a great pleasure to lead the students through the process of learning and in consequence observe their progress.


Barbara Andruszko– magister filologii węgierskiej na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim oraz absolwentka studiów podyplomowych w zakresie nauczania języka polskiego jako obcego na Uniwersytecie Pedagogicznym w Krakowie. Lektorka, prowadzi kursy grupowe oraz indywidualne na różnych poziomach zaawansowania. Ma bogate doświadczenie w pracy dziećmi. Dynamiczna i pełna energii, zawsze uśmiechnięta, uwielbia pracę z ludźmi, w pracy lektora stara się łączyć doświadczenie z ciągłym poszukiwaniem nowych, efektywnych rozwiązań. Miłośniczka języków obcych, folkloru, kultury, tradycji  i zabytków Krakowa, oprócz pracy lektora aktywna przewodniczka po Krakowie oraz Kopalni Soli w Wieliczce, prywatnie mama trójki dzieci.

Ponieważ sama uczyłam się kilku języków obcych, doskonale rozumiem uczniów, którzy stają przed nowymi wyzwaniami. Wiem, jak ważną rolę spełnia lektor, który nie tylko przekazuje wiedzę, ale również motywuje i pomaga odnaleźć się w nowym środowisku oraz odmiennej kulturze.  Staram się nieustannie zarażać uczniów swoim wielkim entuzjazmem oraz zaangażowaniem i z ogromną empatią wspieram ich na każdym etapie nauki.