
Attention! Attention! Important announcement📣📢💬🔔😀 The certificate examination in Polish as a foreign language starts already on 19 June. It is worth thinking about a course preparing for this exam today. We invite you to our courses at the end of April. You can choose between courses: a) course online in the evening (3x per week)…
Dear Students, the holidays are slowly coming to an end and soon spring will come and with it more time outdoors and more conversations with friends, people you meet on the streets, on a walk, in a shop. Maybe you should think about practising speaking Polish? We invite everyone from A1.2 upwards to the next…
Dear Students, It is time to think about the certificate exam B1 in March. We are starting a new B1 Polish exam preparation online course on 28.01.2021. For 960 PLN you will get: 40 lessons online, a mock exam afterclass methodical care such as checking written assignments, tests, additional exercises and explanations of grammar difficulties.…
Dear Students,
we are pleased to present you a schedule for a new semester. Please apply via our website: or a email message:
Attention! Until September 15th lasts a FIRST MINUTE discount. You will be able to pay less for a course – only 950 PLN!
This workshop was beautiful. We would like to thank you for a large dose of humour and wonderful craftsmanship. Now we can go shopping with our eco bags👜👛👝💼💝
We will soon present you a plan for the next workshops in the winter semester. We promise that there will also be a creative accent🧵🧶🤹🎭🎨🎻🎧🎤.
We are pleased to announce enrolment for group courses in the holiday semester. Classes will take place in the school building or online. Some meetings will also take place in our beautiful garden. Which option is most interesting for you? Decide for yourself:). We encourage you to contact us by e-mail: Until 15.06 we…
Dear Students:),
we invite you to take part in the next intensive courses online.
The first one starts already on May 28th.
If you are interested, please contact: